What is it?
As part of a fire damper maintenance programme to ensure correct operation of any ventilation system, fire dampers are vitally important.
Indeed BS9999:2017 Fire Dampers Regulations calls for the following;
“Arrangements should be made for all fire dampers to be tested by a competent person on completion of the installation and at least annually and to be repaired or replaced immediately if found to be faulty. Spring operated fire dampers should be tested annually and fire dampers situated in dust-laden and similar atmospheres should be tested much more frequently, at periods to suit the degree of pollution.”
HTM 03-01 also calls for fire dampers in hospitals to be tested every 12 months.
Ductwork can, unfortunately transfer flames and smoke rapidly through a building in the event of fire. The build up of heat inside the duct can cause any combustible material in close proximity to the ductwork, such as roof joists, to significantly higher insurance claims and present fire fighters with a more difficult task than needs be.
Because of the location of ventilation ductwork all too often this essential work is overlooked. Over the years of carrying out ductwork cleaning, we have witnessed many examples of poor maintenance.
- Collapsed blades
- Parted fusible links
- Inoperative cassettes
- Corroded or jammed springs
- Jammed open
- Installed incorrectly i.e. Wrong airflow direction or upside down
What VHS do
Ventilation Hygiene Services will perform a fire damper inspection and “drop test” on all fire dampers subject to access. VHS engineers provide advice on any remedial work that needs to be done, so that the “jammed” situation does not occur and so that the fire integrity of the ductwork system is not compromised.
For more information on fire damper maintenance please follow the BESA link below.
VH001 Fire and Smoke Damper Maintenance